Don't know who I love more bridget Jones or Ben and Jerry's?
Hellooo beauties!
Today you lucky, lucky people are getting two diet principles!
So here we go the first principle is:
to only eat when you are hungry
but you have to apply this using the second principle:
have between 3-5 meals a day
You're body is amazing at letting you know what's going on. If every day of your life you've eaten 6 bags of crisps you're body is going to expect this and when you don't give it to yourself you're body will think somethings up and let you know, so you start craving crisps. But this is a craving. You're not actually hungry and you don't need anymore food. Next time you're having a mini argument about whether you need that chocolate bar ask yourself is it your brain or your belly doing the talking? If you're belly isn't rumbling then your body is essentially telling you, you don't need anymore food.
Baring in mind what i've just told you, you must not skip meals. Diet experts AKA not me have actually started saying you should be having 5 meals a day! And with my schedule that just aint happening! But I think 3 is a pretty reasonable comprimise. Regardless whether your hungry or not you must must must eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not going to get into the nerdy reasons why but trust me you just must. You'll probably find that if you eat these meals then you're probably going to end up eating reasonably well and not feel so hungry and therefore, eat less sinful snacks in the day!
So before, we even get into logistics of what you should and shouldn't be eating following just two basic rules you'll probably already be eating better!
Feels good to get that off my chest.
Happy dieting!
Wings xox