Sunday, 30 October 2011

Exceeding the feed limit

Don't know who I love more bridget Jones or Ben and Jerry's?

Hellooo beauties!
Today you lucky, lucky people are getting two diet principles! 

So here we go the first principle is:

 to only eat when you are hungry

but you have to apply this using the second principle: 

have between 3-5 meals a day

You're body is amazing at letting you know what's going on. If every day of your life you've eaten 6 bags of crisps you're body is going to expect this and when you don't give it to yourself you're body will think somethings up and let you know, so you start craving crisps. But this is a craving. You're not actually hungry and you don't need anymore food. Next time you're having a mini argument about whether you need that chocolate bar ask yourself is it your brain or your belly doing the talking? If you're belly isn't rumbling then your body is essentially telling you, you don't need anymore food.


Baring in mind what i've just told you, you must not skip meals. Diet experts AKA not me have actually started saying you should be having 5 meals a day! And with my schedule that just aint happening! But I think 3 is a pretty reasonable comprimise. Regardless whether your hungry or not you must must must eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not going to get into the nerdy reasons why but trust me you just must. You'll probably find that if you eat these meals then you're probably going to end up eating reasonably well and not feel so hungry and therefore, eat less sinful snacks in the day! 

So before, we even get into logistics of what you should and shouldn't be eating following just two basic rules you'll probably already be eating better!

Feels good to get that off my chest.
Happy dieting!
Wings xox

Monday, 24 October 2011

Exceeding the Feed limit...

Not going to rant but heres a great example how the media's messing with people's minds...

 Bridget Jones once said 
"my legs only come up to here and yes, I will always be a little bit fat." 
Now, that's a women we should look up to. 
Thing is i'm no better than anyone else, when I was depressed I constantly compared my body  to other girls when really all I needed to do was stop trying to be them and try a little harder to be myself. 
It's actually much easier. 

Diets invented by some schmuck a million miles round the world from you are tailored to their lives and their way of thinking so why on earth they think they are going to work on anybody else is a mystery to me. I'm not a great meat eater, so i'm definitely going to manage to quit all my eating habits consuming  large amounts of something I don't really like a shed ten pounds at the same time
(no offence Mr Atkinson man)
 Anyhow what i'm trying to say is fad diets don't work.
My inner nerd tells me to think of everyones body like an equation;
optimum diet + optimum fitness = optimum health.
And this is what diets should really be about, how healthy you are. So naturally, i've decided to go on a diet to improve my health. In order to do this i'm going to create a set of principles which I will explain and evaluate in a series of blogposts which you can personalise for yourself. Forget calorie counting and emotional goodbyes with the food you love, this is about reading your bodies signals and getting healthy the way it wants you to. 

So, first principle to learn:
Health is defined as ones general physical, social and psychological wellbeing.
Stop thinking about what you're eating and start thinking what its doing to your body. You may believe that being paper thin is what will make you happy but actually its how your lifestyle affects your psychological health that is responsible.  

Ps. I'm not having a go at towie (i'm an essex gal myself)


Just a quick hello from me and my good friend ed.....

Okay, so maybe my relationship with ed is a little bit more like a major obsession. Bit like rupert in ed's new video which is amaaaaazing! Open a new tap and watch now please. When you get back to my blog i'll get a bit more to the point. I was pretty much just dropping in to say hi.. I've done the little emotional "why i've started blogging post" (see below) and just want to get cracking now. My site decor, title, style etc is still very much a work in progress but I have a few ideas of what my blogging routine is going to be and hopefully when I start, with the help of all you beautiful people it should just all fall into place. Just a bit slow on the uptake because I have such a large dose of verbal diarrhoea its hard to know what to blog first. Thankfully its finally half term and I may go on a bit of a blogathon, boring you with lots and lots of pointless info..yAAAAAY. No, but hopefully some rambles will be of use, so comment and let me know if there is a feature you really like and then it can become a regular occurrence. I will be uploading another post today with an actual theme and point so keep your eye out for the slice of delight. I will just say that my blog is going to be a real higgildy piggildy blog. So not everything I blog about will be of interest to you but I hope that all the topics that will feature in my blog will fall into a regular pattern so, if you like one particular feature you could just check out my blog on the particular day I upload a post with that theme and ignore the rest!

Okay well at the end of that ramble I probably didn't say all that much
BUT none the less I hope to see you soon..
peace out, wings xox