Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Exceeding the feed limit week 5

Hello there!

So as well as continuing with the food side of the diet I now want to introduce the exercise part. 
in GCSE P.E we learnt
exercise is physically, socially and psychologically beneficial.
and if you've read my feed limit series you'll know that looks rather similar to the health definition, so clearly exercise can have a big impact on your health. 

One of the biggest killers in the UK is cardiovascular disease and cardiac training is one way to massively reduce your risk from this and a cardio work out is my favourite work out. 
It can be hell, but boy is the feeling after worth it!

However, i'm not as fit as I once was two years ago and my fitness is something i really want to get back however, getting your exercise regime right is just important as your diet. And i'll be going through how to design a PEP (personal exercise program) in my weekly diet posts as well as diet. 
(So every monday they'll be a diet and exercise post)

but today I just want you to get this principle into your head:

You're body is like an elastic band

You're body can cope with a lot just like an elastic band can be stretch to its extremes and then still when you let go it still functions and goes back to its original shape. over time a continual stretching of the band might mean it gets a little looser but still retains its shape and function. However, if you immediately stretch it too far it snaps. And the snapping is irreversible. It doesn't go back to its original shape and you can tie it to make it still functional but it never functions to the ability it once did.

Therefore, steady exercise is best. It may be slower and take longer to get results but if you stretch yourself too far because you think you can but you can't, it could be your joint, muscle, tendon snapping and once that goes it impacts your every day activities let alone your athletic ones. 

So be careful guys!! 
More detailed info on the workout and intensity you need next week
Love and Peace Wings ox

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