Monday 24 October 2011

Exceeding the Feed limit...

Not going to rant but heres a great example how the media's messing with people's minds...

 Bridget Jones once said 
"my legs only come up to here and yes, I will always be a little bit fat." 
Now, that's a women we should look up to. 
Thing is i'm no better than anyone else, when I was depressed I constantly compared my body  to other girls when really all I needed to do was stop trying to be them and try a little harder to be myself. 
It's actually much easier. 

Diets invented by some schmuck a million miles round the world from you are tailored to their lives and their way of thinking so why on earth they think they are going to work on anybody else is a mystery to me. I'm not a great meat eater, so i'm definitely going to manage to quit all my eating habits consuming  large amounts of something I don't really like a shed ten pounds at the same time
(no offence Mr Atkinson man)
 Anyhow what i'm trying to say is fad diets don't work.
My inner nerd tells me to think of everyones body like an equation;
optimum diet + optimum fitness = optimum health.
And this is what diets should really be about, how healthy you are. So naturally, i've decided to go on a diet to improve my health. In order to do this i'm going to create a set of principles which I will explain and evaluate in a series of blogposts which you can personalise for yourself. Forget calorie counting and emotional goodbyes with the food you love, this is about reading your bodies signals and getting healthy the way it wants you to. 

So, first principle to learn:
Health is defined as ones general physical, social and psychological wellbeing.
Stop thinking about what you're eating and start thinking what its doing to your body. You may believe that being paper thin is what will make you happy but actually its how your lifestyle affects your psychological health that is responsible.  

Ps. I'm not having a go at towie (i'm an essex gal myself)


  1. i totally agree. i think it's not so much how small someone's hips or waistline is, the more important thing is if we're happy and healthy. :)

    <3, Mimi

  2. Mimi: i'm glad you agree! its just so hard to believe it even for ourselves sometimes!

    Dolly Daydream+kirsyb: totally agree with both of you! I think I love her a little bit too much!

    Thanks for commenting xox
